Economic Reporters’ Forum (ERF) organized a seminar on “Bangladesh US Trade and Investment” on 25th September, 2023 at ERF Auditorium. Mr. Mohammad Refayet Ullah Mirdha Chaired the event and Mr. John Fay, Commercial Counsellor of US Embassy in Bangladesh was present as the guest of honor. Business leaders from various Industrial Sectors attended the program also.
President BTMA Mr. Mohammad Ali Khokon attended the program and delivered his statement as panelist on trade relationship between Bangladesh and USA.
He requested to the Honorable Commercial Counsellor to introduce zero-duty benefit for Bangladeshi garment items to the USA. Or, for the garment items of Bangladesh made from imported cotton from the USA and re-exported to the American markets which may immensely increase imports of cotton from the USA and exports from Bangladesh. He also mentioned that the demand for cotton-based apparel would not decrease, although the demand for the garment items made of Man-made fibre is rising worldwide. The US companies can invest in this segment as the potential is very high.