Today on 16.09.2021 BTMA organized an emergency Press Conference at Lakeshore Hotel on Gas Supply shortage. Mohammad Ali Khokon, President, BTMA along with the Board of Directors of BTMA invited all print and electronic media people in the Press Conference.

BTMA President appraised the media about the significance of uninterrupted gas supply to the mills. Textile & Clothing Industry is contributing 80% to the total export earning of the country. Most of BTMA’s Spinning, Weaving, Dyeing-Printing-Finishing mills are run through Captive Power Generation where Gas is the main fuel.

The Textile Factories use machineries with latest technology and are fully computerised. Gas is one of most important element to run a textile factory and uninterrupted and continuous gas flow is necessary to continue the production process of the textile mills. But because of low gas pressure production is hampered in the textile mills which is leading to cancellation of export orders. It is also damaging the machineries and spare parts.

As per the information from the member mills of BTMA , gas pressure has even come down to 1.5 PSI. This has become a matter of grave concern for the textile industry and needs immediate attention from the concerned authorities.