Round Table Meeting & Launching of BTMA New Software of was held on 25th March, 2022 at Hotel Golden Tulip.

Mr Mohammad Ali Khokon, President BTMA chaired the meeting. The distinguished Members of the Board of Director’s, some of BTMA members & friends of Print & Electronics Media were present in the meeting.

During the meeting, the President BTMA briefed the members as well as media about the initiatives of BTMA particularly Ports & Shipping, budgetary issues, fumigation & the problem arisen out due to provision of obtainment of import permit for raw cotton etc.

More so, he briefed the meeting about BTMA’s stand on the proposal of TITAS regarding increase of Gas Tariff & it’s consequences on the Textile Industry. The meeting appreciated BTMA’s president efforts to protect the interest of the Primary Textile Sector. Soon after the meeting, the President BTMA launched the New Software.

Mr. Abdullah Al- Mamun Vice-President, BTMA, Mr. Masud Rana and Mr. Monir Hossain, Director, BTMA, Mr. Khorshed Alam & Mr. Shahid Alam, Former Vice-President, BTMA spoke in the meeting. Mr. Monsoor Ahmed, Additional Director & CEO (In-Charge), BTMA also attended the meeting.

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